Guidelines For Charitable Donations
Thank you for inquiring about a donation for your event and/or organization. Due to the fact that Boone’s Trace National Golf Club recieves hundreds of requests annually we have several guidelines to ensure that every request receives proper consideration.
Guidelines for Consideration:
- Requests must be submitted in writing on event/organization letterhead.
- Requests may be submitted in one of the following ways: (Please do not submit more than way)
- Via email:
- Via Fax: 859.623.4684; Attn: Trez Kenney
- Via Mail: 175 Gleneagles Blvd, Richmond, KY 40475
- For consideration, requests must be recieved at least 14 days prior to the event
- The will only consider contributions, donation of the food items or charitable contributions that benefit only one individual or family.
- A maximum of one request per calendar year will be fulfilled per organization.
- Donations are NOT automatically renewed or assumed. Each submission is evaulated on a first time basis and will not be approved based upon a prior year’s participation.
Your written request on organizational letterhead MUST include the following information:
- Name of the event/organization requesting sponsorship
- Contact person with street address, telephone number & email address to which responses can be mailed or emailed. (Calls will not be made)
- Date, description and location of the charitable event.
- Estimated attendance and demographic make up of the audience.
- History of the event and attendance/contributions from the previous year.
- Opportunities for Boone’s Trace National Golf Club to be included on advertisements and/or promotional materials.
We appreciate your interest in Boone’s Trace National Golf Club, however, due to the large number of requests we recieve we are unable to respond to all requests immediately. If we are interested in sponsoring your event/organization we will contact you via mail with follow-up information.
Please do NOT call to follow-up on the request, as information will not be given over the phone.
On average, it will take two weeks to receive a response.